The MUST Opera House has been elaborated in the year 2011.
The House’s interior design is composed of an outstanding Concert Hall with a seating capacity of 1000 seating chairs, furthermore it will be used as a Conference Hall for the university. A wide Reception Area on each floor, a Maze Hall, and the Activities’ Room.
MUST Opera House focuses on providing guests and clients with a unique experience on every event and introduce new flavours of entertainment. This mission is clearly stated in our Slogan “Arts at your Fingertips”. We have verified our core values as follows :
Provide a luxurious experience to all participants in MUST Opera House.
Aiming to boost out the entertaining aspects that would affect our clients positively, produce mesmerizing events, and fulfill the sense of amusement.
Setting levels that would avail the ability to start from scratch and to complete a project, satisfy the needs of accomplishment, help in building up self-respect through persuasion.
Convince everyone that letting your thoughts flow could developed into a masterpiece, arts are based on imagining, increase the thinking process through the formation of fascinating projects.
Expand awareness of the vast importance of art, raising new generations on the notion of giving more attention to art; by apply more appealing methods in educating children.
Create a friendly atmosphere, use exciting procedures during classes, spread happiness and enthusiasm among staff members, clients, and students.
Crave and deliver superior performance.
•Producing new concepts of entertainment.
•Satisfying the elites of society and quality seekers.
•Rising new generations on the importance of art and teaches them how to appreciate and honor it.
•Provide the community with a luxurious art center that enables them to explode their energies in the mind blowing activities, moreover the presence of a unique grand theater, which works as a huge entertainment factor.